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Deepen Your Practice

May Meditation 



Sunday, 19th May 2024 



Briton Ferry Community Hall

During our May workshop we will explore the power of a regular meditation practice to counter the stress and overwhelm experienced by so many of us in our modern era of information overload and constant digital connection.

For many yogis with an established physical practice, regular meditation can remain somewhat elusive. The fast pace of our lives can make sitting still in formal meditation a difficult challenge, but there are many other ways to incorporate this ancient practice into our lives.

Working with flowing postures - linking the movement of the body to a smooth steady breath - we can make our asana practice a form of moving meditation, in which we create a steady state of mind and body in order to cultivate the qualities of peace and tranquility.

We can work with specific sequences of movements designed as meditation practices - such as the Eight Form Moving Meditation, as well as with other tools such as mantra, visualisation, focusing the gaze and closing the eyes whilst moving the body.

There are many meditation practices that we can incorporate quickly and easily into our daily lives and you are sure to find one or two that work for you in this session

About Deepen Your Practice:


These morning workshops are an opportunity to take your weekly class practice further, going deeper into the physical elements and the philosophy of yoga. Sessions begin with an active yang practice, incorporating breathwork and meditation. This is followed by a break for tea and a chat with your fellow yogis, accompanied by a seasonal homemade treat. Sessions close with yin and restorative yoga followed by a deeply relaxing yoga nidra.


Please bring your own mat, block, strap and blanket.


The cost of the three hour workshop is £30 and spaces will be given on a first come first served basis, so do get in touch to book your spot. For more information please do not hesitate to contact me.

For discount info & cancellation policy please click here:

Upcoming Deepen Your Practice Workshop Dates for 2024

March 17th

May 19th

Sept 22nd

Oct 13th

Dec 1st

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