Yoga and Wellbeing Workshops to Support Women on their Menopause Journey
To view current Menopause Yoga Workshops available for booking please go to my Workshops page
What is Menopause Yoga?
Menopause Yoga (MY) is a unique combination of yoga poses, breathing techniques and mindful meditation practices created by senior yoga teacher Petra Coveney.
These techniques have been specially adapted to help women manage the main symptoms of menopause.
Petra is a member of the British Menopause Society for Health Practitioners and the founder of MY which offers the gold standard of accreditation to teachers, such as myself, who undertake the training.
MY can help women experiencing:
hot flushes and night sweats,
stress and anxiety,
irritability and mood swings,
insomnia and fatigue,
lack of focus and brain fog.
What Can I Expect in a Menopause Yoga Workshop?
My 3 hour menopause yoga workshops include:
* Women's Circle discussions in the company of other women going through menopause. Sharing of experiences and knowledge;
*Specially adapted yoga poses (active and restorative), breathing techniques, Mindful Meditation and positive psychology to help you manage your menopause symptoms;
* Information on natural remedies, nutrition and ayurvedic approaches to managing your symptoms and improving your hormone balance and the health of your mind and body;
* Information on medical approaches to Hormone Replacement Therapy.
* A tool kit of techniques to use at home..
What Will I Gain From Attending Menopause Yoga Workshops?
Many women feel isolated and alone when they go through menopause, so the aim of these workshops is to provide a sense of Community (Sangha).
Menopause yoga seeks to educate and empower women to begin to see the menopause as an opportunity for self-knowledge and personal growth.
You will find these workshops an enjoyable way to share your experiences with other women, to laugh and learn from each other while embracing the mental, physical and emotional changes that menopause brings.
More on the Menopause
All women go through the menopause, usually between the ages of 45-55 but sometimes earlier. Symptoms of menopause can occur as early as late thirties/early forties. The Menopause refers to the three stages of menopause: Peri-Menopause, when a woman's oestrogen levels start to drop and she begins to experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as hot flushes; Menopause, when a woman has not had a period for 12 months or more and Post-Menopause, the years following on from Menopause. These stages mark a woman's hormonal transition from fertility to post reproductivity.
The hormone-related symptoms women can experience during these stages can range from headaches, hot flushes and irritability, anxiety, insomnia and fatigue, lethargy and low mood, joint and muscle pain, digestive issues and weight gain - and many more. Long term health risks include osteopenia and osteoporosis (weakened bones), sarcopenia (muscle loss) and cardio vascular disease. Yoga can significantly help women both manage their symptoms and ease their transition through this natural but often destabilising transition.
​“Yoga is effective in reducing menopausal symptoms and should be considered as alternative therapy for the management of menopausal symptoms.” (Source: US National Library of Medicine)
" Hi Charlotte and thank you for this information!
Thank you also for yesterday's workshop. I found it extremely informative and learnt so much. It was encouraging to hear other women's experiences but also to know that there are resources and tools out there to help us embrace and face this phase of our life head on and shine and sparkle our way to our second spring!
I came home and watched the first of the Davina McCall documentaries - wow! The next one is on my list for this week.
I also feel better informed in terms of HRT options and alternatives that may be helpful before this.
I can't wait to start practicing the sequence and look forward to joining you at a future workshop!
Thank you again x
Warm Regards,